Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just write it!

I have been out of the articulation loop for many months, not because of a lack of soul-searching or moments of delicious happiness. Perhaps one of the challenges is documenting experience when it is full and engaging. I decided to create a symbolic gesture by writing something, anything, this evening to step back into the process. Here goes.

After a recent hospitalization a few weeks ago and a continual struggle to regain some level of wellness I find myself more often then not on the less than happy side of life: chronic pain that distracts, short term energy reserves that limit focus and participation,  anxiety about medical advice that does not seem to be helping to make a difference. The interesting upside is that I am 24/7 in self-awareness and how I am or am not interacting with the world. I am having this wonderful opportunity to witness all manner of subtle feelings, thoughts and behaviors that are normally obscured by the business and noise of everyday living. I was looking for a song to bring to a weekend workshop I am attending tomorrow. I found myself narrowing a list of songs, both familiar and ones unfamiliar,  down to a few and then one. Along the way I found myself singing the songs. I don't consider myself a singer or choose singing as something to past the moments doing, but today I was experiencing a sense of lighthearted happiness through the listening to and singing of inspiring songwriter creations in spite of "all my other woes of the moment."  In a similar vein I "bumped" into my ex-girlfriend's blog about her favorite retreat spot, her rustic beach cabin, when all the memories and hopes and dreams I had with her symbolized by that wonderful spot here on Puget Sound washed into my heart. There was the profound sadness I felt around her report that she was still creating wonderful memories there, unawares of how sick and isolated I have been in my home. I felt the missing of the best of what she and I once were and the poignancy of remembering that hard as we tried we could not find a way to learn to nurture one another in a way that worked for each of us. But in the midst of that poignancy I was able to shift my feelings into my caring for her and felt happy that she had so much in her special place with family and friends to be grateful for. Then the happiness creating the poignancy around those everyday moments came back into my memory and experience and filled me with joy, the gift of those moments and things she shared with me. I am checking out feeling content.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Lady Lucy was lost, and now she is found

It was a 10 days ago when Lady Lucy managed to slip out an inadvertently opened door and disappear. Even though I was sad at the prospect of her permanent absence and had no reason for hope I felt that sometime someday I would have her back. A call would come from somewhere informing me that she had been seen. This afternoon at 6:02p PST Linda called with news that she may have seen my cat, coming through her cat door the past couple of days to share the food of her 3 cats. Agreeing to corral this visitor the next time she presented herself I received a call at 7:22p and Lady Lucy was confirmed found. Happiness is a cat-caring neighbor and a lost kitty back home.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happiness in the Unexpected Moment

Sometimes it's those little unexpected actions of another that fill my heart with happiness. I was visiting Facebook for a moment this morning when I saw a post by my friend Gloria of The Duprees singing "I Will Never Pass This Way Again." I didn't know this song or even remember The Duprees, but I listened because Gloria does song selections well. It just hit me for some reason and filled me up with joy, and I have been smiling ever since as I ready myself for the day to go out into the cold, wet rain. Life is good. Stay open to those chance intrusions of happiness.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More will be revealed...

"My mission is to create a world of joyful connection through courageous presence and a nurturing heart."

My theme for 2012 is "Solo and deliciously happy through courage, compassion and connection."

I am feeling a call to blog about how this theme unfolds for me as the year progresses and what I learn along the way. Often I awake in the morning with musings for a blog entry, but no blog to give them a home. I recently read, "Nothing is perfect, but everything is perfectible." Having never blogged before I am unsure as to where to begin or how "Blogger" even functions. With those aspects in mind and the encouragement of a friend today I choose to embrace the imperfect by beginning this journey of soul-searching and exploring the perfectible nature of blogging with this entry. More will be revealed...